Why, What, How

I am a towing and repair company business owner, and I am building a group of like minded business leaders. Leaders that want to grow themselves and in return–grow their company. As a believer, I am inspired by how our calling in business can have a direct impact in our work.  Many can build skill and build a large and profitable company.  This group is called to build the company to not only be profitable, but one that grows people, impacts marriages positively, and becomes a thriving part of the community it serves.  Want to join me?

Welcome to God, Family, Company: A Workplace Ministry! I have been in business formally since 1993 and informally since 1989. I own and operate PRO-TOW 24hr Towing, Motorplex Auto & Heavy Truck Repair, and PRO-ENVIRO Motor Vehicle Spill Response in Washington State. Unemployed since 1989 I sometimes like to say.   If you are a little different than average, place faith in the front of your priority list, and enjoy small business and our trade–reach out and lets join together.  Let’s grow together  according to God’s plan for our lives.  As a result, lets see how following God’s plan for  for our company plays out in our family and our community.  There is no monetization of this website, blog, or group. It is my faith journey, and desire to give back to those that have helped me, my family, and our company by paying it forward.

Please read through some or all of my blogposts to get a feel for faith and philosophy in business, and to see if it aligns at all with where you are today in your journey.


I believe that company growth that we desire first requires growth of us as a person–and that requires God in our life. Absence of our personal growth prevents us from building sustainable growth for our company.


Building relationships with other business owners and leaders that feel called to grow their relationship with God. Become a better man or woman in their family, and develop their company in ways not possible otherwise.


  1. Study, learn, and share business measurables in a safe and confidential manner.
  2. Ongoing study and sharing of applicable scripture to our journey in God, family, and company with a partner in our group.
  3. Come together 1x per year at a different wilderness retreat setting for 2 days to bond and build continued relationship.
  4. Come together a second or possibly a third time if desired at a trade-show or training conference a day before the conference or show.

Want to join this group? Please contact me and we will talk to see if this is a great fit. Contact


Keith Lewis

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