God Family Company

Lead Like Samuel, Serve Your Team Ahead of Self.

Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on Pexels.com

As a business owner, we have many priorities–and they may well change by the hour.  As 24/7 emergency service on call business, this is the reality day and night, weekends, and holidays.  However, it is important to admit that we should remain grateful for what we get to do.  We must enjoy Monday morning as much as Friday evening.

Nonetheless, as a business owner there is nothing more important than the responsiblity placed on us to take care of our team.   Whether it provides the greatest source of accomplishment one moment, or immense frustration the next–we are called to this responsibility that we must carry proudly.  Serving our team, means serving their families, serving the community, and as a result we may be blessed with ability to take care of our family.  Getting the priority misaligned with serving self ahead of serving your team will eventually turn out poorly–it is just a matter of time.  Take the biblical story of Saul, made king by Samuel in the Old Testament.  God chose Saul and placed him in front of Samuel as the people demanded they be provided a King.  The short version of this story is that Samuel was a servant to his people and had extraordinary leadership.  Saul progressed into serving himself ahead of his people, and ended up literally falling on his sword to avoid being killed to those in his pursuit.  It is not possible to be a great leader and serve self. It is, however, possible to serve others and as a result be blessed with great rewards greater than one could possibly imagine by putting self ahead of others.

As always, I welcome your input and enjoy dialogue as to how best to lead like Samuel.  Called and listening for our next mission!


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