God Family Company

Work and the 4th Commandment

Photo by Wendy van Zyl on Pexels.com

As you read this post, please remember that I am not a pastor.  Instead, I am a career auto repair and towing tradesman operating a small business currently at 25 employees.  Nonetheless, faith, work, and the 4th Commandment is passionate for me, and I have not heard and understood this Commandment as God has helped me understand in my studies.

Exodus 20:9-10
Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns.

Without quoting more than one additional scriptures that are clear instruction coming from the Lord to Moses, it is safe to say that the Lord clearly felt work is important as is the sabbath.  Most often, when this message is taught it fairly and correctly represents the need to keep one day per week holy and dedicated to the Lord.  However, I have learned and ask you to consider that the 6 days are a tremendously important part of this 4th Commandment.

Taking this a little further in extrapolation, let’s define work.  At least from my perspective, and understand this is only my perspective.

Keith’s Definition of Work:  Work is service for others.  Doing something for others, and not yourself.  It does not correlate to whether or not you receive compensation or a return or not if it is doing for others.  Volunteering is work.  Parenting is work (If you are a parent, can I get a big Amen…). Helping a neighbor is work.  Teaching or sharing your skills or knowledge is work.  Work is not pruning your trees, it is pruning your neighbor’s trees.

God’s commandment and covenants clearly indicate work is a critical part of ourfaith and our faith journey.  Do so to honor God, and receive the benefits of service to Him.   As doing and following this commandment the person doing the work will receive many blessings greater than visible to the human eye, because it is your heart that these Commandments aim to develop into a heart that serves the Lord.

I welcome your comments, discussions, and well-intended debate.  Feel free to reach out to me at any time.


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